Moderare la velocità
Rome, 2010

Rome, 2011

Sterile resistance
Rome, 2011

La recherche vient de commencer...
Rome, 2011

Senza sottotitolo
Rome, 2012

Every change is let(H)al
Rome, 2012

A question in traffic
Rome, 2012

Pissing on the avant-garde
Rome, 2012

Strike the art!
Venice, 2013

Rest In Piracy
web, 2013

Povera Arte
Rome, 2014

Striketheart#3 2.0
Venice, 2014

This is (not) the time!
Rome, 2014

This is (not) the politics!
Rome, 2015

This is (not) a number!
Rome, 2015

This is (not) Rome!
Rome, 2015

Poetry is my drug
Rome, 2016

La disperazione dell'artista (concettuale)
Wien, 2016

El sueño de Google produce monstruos
Rome, 2017

Learning from Hölderlin
Kassel, 2017

Petit hommage à Bataille
Rome, 2017

Nazionalismo in pantaloncini
Rome, 2018

Our “we”
Rome, 2018

Ceci n'est pas Venise
Venice, 2019